

JULIAN’s mission is to attack discrimination in all forms through legal advocacy, technology, and activism in order to exact justice, foster equality, and advance the doctrines of civil and human rights law.

We do this to protect and uplift the voices of individuals and communities subjected to hate crimes and rights violations.

Our intention is to revive the spirit, effectiveness, strategies, and impact of the civil rights movement.We believe in hope. We believe in creating a nation and world where you’re born somebody to everybody. We believe in charting new pathways and strategically responding rather than reacting because reaction only begets inaction.

There is a reason why we remember Rev. King, Julian Bond, Fannie Lou Hamer, John Lewis. It’s because the movement was the people. It was hard for them, and it’s been hard for our people every step of the way, and that’s because civil rights isn’t an idea. It’s an identity.

The days in between the pain and victory of the civil rights movement are powerful because they weren’t doing something. King, Bond, Hamer, Lewis—they were being something.

Come. Let us build a new world together.

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